Wednesday, June 25, 2008
they tried to make me go to rehab, i said 'no,no,no' - rehab, amy winehouse
This shall be an intelligent post, as I promised on my reflection that Ms Ong makes us do against our lazy will ever since ... forever.
I've never been much of a gamer in my entire life, unlike some of you hardcores out there (don't deny it!). Though I enjoyed Armageddon (the one by Mel Gibson with lots of half-naked indigeneous people) and I had to admit that the explicit blood and gore were very effective images, I do still get shaken. It's a strange thing, if I'm feeling a bit of shock or fear, I just freeze up, stare, gasp and have problems breathing for the next few seconds. Unless it involves something like a roller coaster or a Shawn, a Mythili, or maybe a Mr Chen with a afro. And don't get me started on ... Mdm Rani miming the musical songs or in pink lingerie (darn you sickos put that image in my head)
Maybe until I chanced upon this article on controversial online/video games. So, my itchy fingers followed my curiosity and the web links. A few clicks of the mouse and ta-da! "Torture Game 2"
The start of my unforgettable experience: (won't post the actual game link, just in case some of us can't resist clicking either)
Yep, so ... I went through some paint jobs across the ragdoll, impaled the poor dude's heart (UNINTENTIONALLY I SWEAR I WAS NERVOUS!), shot him the right knee (of course...this has nothing to do with Shawn's right knee being the exact centre of the musical final shot picture heh heh)
I must say, when i impaled it's chest (oh my I sound like a ... sick psychopath telling you my glory tales), the ragdoll made a somewhat emotionless, yet agonised groaning sound. Oh course this isn't as graphic as some games can go, but I was sick all the same.
Well, Torture Game 2 goes like, you do whatever you like to the ragdoll, just physically torture it in any way you want to, until you've done enough to kill it, it makes the groaning sound. Guess I shouldn't have pierced the left side of the chest.
Other than that, it remains practically emotionless. I won't go into what you can do to the ragdoll, just read the article. I felt my tummy do flips and exhibited the symptoms of when I'm disturbed. Which was why I ditched the game after 3 takes. This just goes to show I can never make Jack the Ripper and Wednesday Addams proud, ain't bloodthirsty, enjoy the macabre or the like.
Guess some playing the game would think it's really lame to get scared, I'm not! I'm just disturbed. The webbie says 'campy gore' and some find it a good stress reliever. Yeah, I wouldn't like to take my stress out in such a gory methods, even if it's just computer graphics.
Don't think there would be any psychopaths with a taste for humans not making a sound when being tortured running around after this game. Ah well, people get sucidal after listening to My Chemical Romance. So ... what does that prove? As much as some things are unintentional, like me stabbing the ragdoll in the chest, some things can't fall into the wrong hands? Okay I'm crapping. The likelihood is .. nil?
Should we take Torture Game 2 seriously? LOL if it's a stress reliever, wonder if those people picture their boss from hell as the ragdoll and go on a torture spree. :p Well, guilt was mentioned in the article too. Yes I feel bad >.<>Labels: Quirks, What's up or new
Sunday, June 15, 2008
wouldn't it be nice if the world was cadbury? - wouldn't it be nice, cadbury chocolate ad jingle
MMMM! Omg, a few days of emo-ness and mood swings, then with relatively nothing that interests me enough to eat at home, I finally gave in just now. Ahaha, felt this strange need to eat when I was feelin' blue, then I had some sweet bread. Yep, sweet bread, a whole load of empty carbs. And no, I don't think I have an eating probrem :). I'm just as normal as a girl wanting a bit of chocolate during heartbreak.
Well sweet bread was nicely topped with some sweetness (duh), a bit of sugar on top, and the skin was absolutely fragrant (even though it wasn't piping hot) and a joy to sink your teeth in. But the insides are a bit of a failure, GRR NOT SOFT ENOUGH.
Okay, so... here's my food list for today.
Noon (brunch) - Half a peanut-ish kueh (called mang zang kueh), with one youtiao (otherwise known as deep fried breadstick - doesn't it sound a lot classier like this?)
5plusPM - Spaghetti only a Constance's mum can make. She made thick spag noodle cruchy. Read: Crunchy!!! And I mean it, it's heavenly. Especially when every strand? of noodle is coated with Mushroom pesto sauce from Prego. IT ROCKS MY SOCKS OFF. Plus, Stephanie's having a craving for that too. Mmm, the delightful smell of mushrooms, sweet-sour tomato-ey sauce emanates (literally) from the plate of spaghetti.
In order to achieve that, she boiled the spag first and drained. Then fry the egg, prawns and sotong (otherwise known as squid or a blur person). Then in goes the noodles. And lastly the sauce. In the process the sauce is heated with everything else in the wok (yes a wok for spag adds the chinese touch of crunchiness). So it takes time for spag to absorb all the goodness of the spag, and some skill in turning the noodles. And wallah! I was happy for a few hours.
(did i mention my bro kope some from me? GRR!) Ok I'm such a glutton! Oh well, nobody should be denied the simplicities of life.
Ahh, and around 11 plus, my tummy started to growl (so embarassing). Well for one thing, it's been like this for a while when I don't really satiate myself. Cos there isn't much to eat at home, (okay before you scold me), nothing I fancy putting into my mouth.
So in the end, I could only think of food. Well, today was the last straw, couldn't keep up with an empty stomach anymore. Ahaha, and the victims of the manifestation of my food craze in my mind from my tummy, were Stephanie and Hongwei. Since there was nothing on my mind except for food, I made them play this game: Take turns naming food, and see how many yes(s) and no(s), to see who has the most cravings.
I know it's creativity at hunger's turn.
11plus-12plus My sweet mother couldn't stand me being hungry, (nahh she just whipped something up within 10 minutes cos I was at the com. So sweet! OKAY my hunger speaks for me). She made maggie with egg, plus orange juice fresh from the blender. Now I'm really full >.< and I can't go to bed. Oh yeah, had an apple, Calamansi lime juice, Cadbury's roast almond choc in between all that. Plus the sweet bread and a strawberry-and-cream lollipop. Sweetness craving definitely there. Ahhh Im sucha slacker!
So toodles there! Tomorrow I'm going to Mandai, S'pore zoo, armed with a Lumix cam and getting out of bed by 7.15. Think I'll be holding the camera all day long, and then uploading pics. Ah, family outings. Love it when it's all free. Though it's gonna eat up some of my time, I have an Mp3 ready.
So yeah, kids say the darndest things, though they don't really know what they're talking about, they try to squeeze the biggest words they know into simple sentences anyway. Kinda like what we do when we see words like "verbosity" and "perfidious" and "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" (OMG I GOT IT RIGHT TOO!).
So yeah, while Shawn had something to say about theatres, my brother has something to say too. While wolfing down the grade A maggi noodles (a hungry man thinks everything tastes good), I gave him my musical script.
"What's this?"
"Script. Read the pink lines. Those are mine,"
- fails to read hanyu pinyin correctly - (such inability to read pinyin comes from my mom's side. Surprisingly, my dad and I pwn them both at pinyin, though my mom pwns us all at chinese characters. duh, chinese helicopter mah)
Ahaha, besides feeling very good about myself, my brother had to add in to my confidence. How sweet of him.
"You memorise already? What if you forget?" "Erm ... won't la" "Well, I humiliated myself once in P1. I was the emcee. - glum face - "
Oh really? -recalls what happened-"
He went on stage during some
Rulang Primary gala dinner where parents show off their newest brilliantest accessories and their kids' brilliant newest SA results while cajoling the teacher's favour, with another girl classmate. They keep nudging each other and giggling nervously (ahh, kids these days, move onto such complicated relationships so fast. haha no la!). Whispers of "psst psst you first you first exchanged between the two budding first-timer emcees.
Someone gave in.
Then my brother said in a very soft voice "ladies and gentlemen ... "
- nervous giggle - - stare at audience breaking out in cold sweat - OMG so many adults staring at me!
- runs off stage giggling -
There, his first attempt at emcee-ing. I wasn't there to catch his embarassing moment on tape, but I had a feeling my parents were laughing at him, or slapping their foreheads. In one fell swoop, all the performing ability of my family was thrown away. Hopes of possibly another stage talent in the family bye-bye.
All integrity of being a performer and a speaker that I accumulated over the years ... a little 7yearold stripped it all during that few defining seconds(INTEGRITY! DON'T THINK OTHERWISE!). Thank God I wasn't there, Drama Co-ord of JSS ELDDS will mei lian jian ren. I swear if I was there, I would've shouted "I DON'T KNOW THAT KID UP THERE!" and made a dive underneath the table.
"Sooo ... what happened?"
"I was shy - glum-er face - But that was nothing compared to P2. I got a whole script to memorise. So waste time!"
Sweetie, I was memorising full performances at p3, and writing scripts at p4 :). Made some unforgettable friends, so I owe drama a lot. So yeah, this makes me wonder why I'm never picked to do emcee-ing. Lack of charisma? I really don't know, cos the question is, nobody really gave me a good look to assess my abilities at emcee-ing. Oh well, maybe I'm never for introducing plays, but for being in plays?
Well they picked my bro to be emcee cos he's noisy, talkative, 'outgoing', otherwise annoying in class. Who knew he'd be so quiet on stage? Well his tecahers? Certainly not! Anyway, I'm quite frankly the opposite. More withdrawn than him, crazy among my friends, but noisy onstage. Ah this world works in mysterious ways.
Gosh can I sleep on a full stomach? Better than an empty one (woke up with gastric before) ... it shows you're pathetically starving yourself, or just plain lazy to get out of bed for a midnight snack.
Toodles! I'm going to bed now, nighty-night! Tomorrow's a new day where people parade in front of animal enclosures to provide them their daily entertainment, especially when weirdos attempt to speak their language, but oft lost in translation.
So ... this will happen tomorrow:
Bro: Mummy! I can talk to the lion! ROAR!!!!
(Lion shifts on the sunning rock. stretches. yawns. smelly breath. bedtime)
Labels: CCA, Essence of Sprouting, Family, Food, To be a Child, What's up or new, WhatcausesJoy
Friday, June 13, 2008
product info - constance of
Mmm... I'm out of things to blog, so I'll do another quiz. :) This one's by Fatimah.
1. Do you wish to get married?
Well, yeah when the time is right? This question is getting old :P
"I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it" - Marilyn Monroe.2. What is your favourite animal?
Mmm ... doggies. This is a favourite among a lot of people, I know. But really, can you resist them? Yeah, they can't resist me too.
I'm against consumption of shark fin, meat from endangered animals alcohol (only take if i have to), wearing real fur etc.3. Who is the person you trust the most?
I don't know, I trust only a small handful of people. Really, this depends on the situation involved.
Trust is the connection between two people, that when you look in them in the eye, you see sincerity and genuity in all it's glory.4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
Most of the time, no. RARGH! Omg, they're so gonna kick my ass if I go DADP. Why all so smart/confident de? T.T
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. - Anaïs Nin, Diary, 19695. Who is the person that you confide in?
Don't wanna say, people might blackmail/hold the person at ransom for my secrets! -gasp- LOL, I confide in the same handful of people la.
Let loose, talk to somebody. It saves lives for sure.6. Are you satisfied with yourself?
In some ways, yes. What's not to like? HAHA I know you like me too (:
I can use more confidence though, plus some other things that I might need.
I have dreams too okay!
"You'll never have enough, would you?" - Friend when I complained about the lack of good stage performances that I wanted to do instead of Nat Day 06'.7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
The people I love. I have a problem with seperation and death of relationships.
Myself. I'm terribly afraid of losing control of myself.
And a lot of other things! Argh, I don't know if I can live losing my creativity, my handwriting, my taste in music, my sight, my dreams, worst case is ...
"I like good changes like becoming an astronaut, but not big changes like becoming a girl" - Christopher, Curious Incident.LOL those will never come true, especially the last part.
8. Do you believe in eternity love?
Yes, partly cos of my stupidity and naivete. Or maybe it just means I'm really patient. Hey, I fell for the paperclip scam, remember?
With love, you should go ahead and take the risk of getting hurt... because love is an amazing feeling. - Britney SpearsHow ironic ... Would you listen to Britney if she's the one who said this?
Even if she does have some sense here (she's lost a lot of it lately), looking at what happened to her now, as a result of a broken marriage, do you really wanna listen to this? Like seriously. What if you end up whacking a papparazzo 's car with an umbrella and shave your head?
9. Have you broken someone's heart that he tried to commit suicide?
LOL, people move on and don't think suicidal. Maybe the thought of "ARGH i feel like dying", but nothing close to someone being like
'I cut myself to feel aliiiiiiive!!!" - Tickle Me Emo, Depress-a-me Street10. What do you like about yourself?
Well actually I'm in love with myself. Oh wait, that's Marlyna. She kissed herself in the mirror (which is why I'm never bored during musical).
If I can list one thing I like about myself, I like the fact that my actions have shown that I'm not afraid to be different from the rest. Plus I can be easy to talk to, and I choose to do things the right way. Ahh temptation, resist resist resist! I'ma good listener, very patient, compassionate, devoted to the cause, I'm geared towards language etc.
OMG I ROCK! okayokay sorry ^^ MADtv Aren't Asians Great? (parody of Gwen Stefani)11. What are the requirements that you wish from the other half?
Ah, Mrs Aidil made us do this question before! Hahah she rocks. Anyway, well, the basics of a r/s (everyone's answered this already) plus
attraction + effective communication + mutual understanding
Oh and, please be funny, entertain me and I shall do the same. Really, no boring guys please! Hahaha, Anjelica check your phone! Think we made a list which will never come true! Far from it actually!
12. Do you cherish every friendship of yours?
Well, duh. I love you people.
13. Do you treasure your family?
Well, yeah. In fact, those people who have parents/grandparents to make lunch or dinner for them everyday are very lucky. It's wonderful to have a meal that your Mummy made waiting for you when you come home.
14. What do you dislike the most?
Gosh do you want me to flood this post? I dislike the feeling of inferiority, injustice, jealousy, stupid people ... etc. But i hate losing control of myself arrrgh.
15. Who do you hope to be always there for you?
This qn is familiar, please refer to a previous post!
16. What do you regret most in life?
Not jumping on every opportunity, being too scared, letting people walk over me etc. And some things that could have been done, like not procrastinating ahaha! XD
17. Do you believe in love at first sight???
Yep, anything can happen. If i believe that love needs time to mature, I have to be fair to this logic too.
18. Do you love your friends?
Repeated qn! Duh. :) My friends deserve my love, otherwise they won't be friends.
19. Which date you like the most?
I can't say it's my birthday, cos Cambridge will gimme a special present called O Level paper.
20. If you have a dream to come true, what would it be?
LOL! WORLD PEACE - snatches miss universe crown -
Nah, I'll wish for something more realistic. Like for lives to be saved?
Really i don't know.
I have too many dreams that i want to see coming true!
21. What is the one thing that you want to do for this world?
I want to change people's lives in a positive manner, be they friends, acquaintances or strangers.
As again I won't impose on who to do this quiz.
Instructions: Remove one question from the above and add in your personal question to make it a total 20 questions.Then tag 8 people in your list. List them out at the end of your post.Notify them in their chatbox that he/she have been tagged. Whoever does the tag, would get blessing from all.
Replace "do you love your friends" qn 18 to "how far would you go for freedom of speech?".
Labels: Essence of Sprouting, To be a Child, To-do list, What's up or new
Thursday, June 12, 2008
what's in store? are the links to YongQuan's blog about rising oil prices, and how it eventually affects us in almost every way., plus the spiritual link. I would too have something to say about that, though I'm not very sure about the crudely-drawn picture (hehehehehe) on the top of his blog.
Since I have the habit of waking up at 11 plus these days, the news I read aren't exactly fresh from printing. Therefore, forgive me if i seem slow, but then, you don't really read the papers do you? ;D Anyway, the focus would not be so much on oil prices, cuz you're probably sick of reading that.
Source: TODAY Thursday June 12 (im reliable, i give provenance!) (oh and, not i say one hor!)So yeah,
the Education Minister Ng Eng Hen (read: not Tharman anymore so sad!!)
shelved plans for a fourth public-funded university (back in 2003) until PM Lee (the Son)
revived the idea during his Nat Day Rally. Plus the gahmen's
2015 target of allowing 30 percent of each cohort to get into public-funded varsities.Now the argument is that, if more people go to uni, more people will get their hands on a degree, how much will a degree be worth then? Not to mention, what if quantity overtakes quality of graduates just by wanting to fulfil new quotas? Especially if educators are siphoned off from the best of secondary school educators. In the UK and China, the increased enrolment did not lead to higher employment. So, the best universities might be starved of resources.
Minister Ng's point is that
"more education does not mean more growth, as most politicians and economists unthinkingly suppose". He
stresses on quality over quantity, and that such a move like another uni might weaken the link with growth. Also, preoccupation with economic growth narrows and distorts what society's idea of education should be.To summarise, he is for
strategic use of limited resources to gain the most for delivering higher education (typical s'porean - wanting the best things at the lowest price xD) in order to get most
value and relevance. What does this mean for us? The gahmen map out something for teens already: "
Singapore believes that every student should be developed to his or her fullest, but this does not means equal or similar outcomes" - Dr Ng. Which explains
ITEs and Polytechnics, providing different opportunities to the spectrum of different capabilities.Oh and a committee is working on calling for the setting up of a fourth varsity and a liberal arts college (YES!) in 2015.
I am rather mixed about this now, since it does concern my future. Not very sure on what to think about it, and slightly doubtful cuz there are politicans involved, and the system, you can't trust everything that you read.
Okay, I shall post my reply to all these news after Amaths tuition, which sets me on my way to a possible Polytechnic and maybe to shipped off the Australia because of the lack of space and oh well, not everyone can have a degree, but I got to get one due to the path I am wanting to choose. Oh well.
Ah big things start from small things like tuition.
Labels: Secondary School Life, To-do list, What's up or new
Saturday, June 7, 2008
it's days like these, i'm happy to be alive...

Hongwei and I in shadow form. Bet you can't tell who's who. Argh, we're so skinny we could be related -.-
Since there hasn't been a post on the outing that Hongwei and I had (the one that Sharon was supposed to come along, i might add GRR YOU PANG SE ME! Well, I'm rather dry on writing essays anyway, so I shall pick out the highlights of the day. Even more interesting now.
Who knew the day would be full of surprises, some pleasant, some .. erm. Well it sure was "memorable" if by memorable you mean disgusted beyond reason, hoping that you didn't remember anything.
Breakfast! Well usually i don't talk about such mundane things but really. MACs at WCP is atrocious I say! 6 flies infesting the leftovers on a table by a horrifyingly inconsiderate family? GOSH WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE! It wouldn't hurt to clean up after youselves if you made World War 2 look good at your dining table okay! The leftovers and the containers piled high up. Barbaric! Well, this sure fulfils the percentage of un-gracious S'poreans! Maybe this is the reason why only Mac is s'pore employs people to specially clean the tables. Like, fine you paid for your meal, so you can leave a mess at the table. Would it kill you to leave a smaller less-frightful mess?
This one's during lunch. I have decided never to touch another McSpicy (it gave me tears and a tummyache) I'm weak with "spicy" food. Stop looking at my discomfort!
Not one, two, but SIX/SEVEN FRIGGING INSECT LIFEFORMS. As contribution to his work experience at Mac, Hongwei expertly cleaned the table with the available cloth and spray. oh what would I do without you, besides being unable to have breakfast in peace. Yeah, there were no other seats.
Oh and did I mention we got chased out too? Oh the injustice!
So yeah, while being roasted along with the food by the sun, the people at Mac were like "??" when they saw Hongwei clean the table. Haha, you looked like a deprived customer. Which brings me to wonder: 1) Service doesn't equal to customers doing what the service-people are supposed to do. 2) GODDAMIT 6 FLIES? OPEN YOUR EYES BIG BIG CAN! the hygiene is shit and you're not doing anything about it? (:p they ignored our "cries for help") Yeah, then we were chased out of Mac. Before I was given really pathetic service at the counter, which made me wanna say "You have a good day too," to the grumpy cashier. Sheesh.
Alright, so there were even more disgusting people on the way out. Crappy lady, she was so frigging rude when I "blocked" her way. As again, what's up with S'poreans? Hmm, funny thing is, all the "ungracious" people are all adults. What's that about teens being rude, uncivilised again? Would it keep you to say "Excuse me?". I can't stand it when people yell for you to move with "HELLO!!!" hello hello hello, how did I do you wrong? Oh um, maybe I slowed you down by 5 seconds and the world's gonna end if you don't make it to the hospital down the road to have your blood pressure in control. Get it now? What's the hurry that you have to forget your manners?
Oh the irony. Not like I have anything against locals, but I really wonder what's up with this minority of Hideous (read: not ugly hor! hideous = many times of ugly) Singaporeans. Honestly, you can't complain about foreigners making this place squeezier if you're the one who's writhing about and making everyone uncomfortable. Think about it lar. Is there something wrong with the culture or what? Well guess what, during lunch, this angmor uncle was "oh ... sorry - smile -" when I said "excuse me". See?
Courtesy doesn't have to be taught by a cartoon lion! It's supposed to be in your blood and whatever Mother used to teach.
To show how ignorant this group of people can be, the same lady had to make an uncalled-for remark. Hongwei was taking a picture of a silkworm (yeah well, he's an aspiring nature photographer, even if nature's all furry and wriggly). While he was stooping down to take a clear shot of that clearly tiny insect, the lady remarked while watching him "HAR LIKE THAT ALSO CAN TAKE PHOTO AR!". Gee doesn't that say a lot? It sure says you're either a backward country bumpkin, or someone who isn't aware of something called "nature photography".

Nature Photography at "amateur level", or so he says. Apparently someone has an anonymous fan already!
West Coast Park. Near-professional camera by the way. Love it - strong and sharp images mmm...
Since there were lots of families, I thought it would be great for pics. Of course it's a bit creepy if you see someone walking around with a camera and snapping pics of people, but it's okay if you're doing it with a friend. What struck me the most were the kiddies. Ah, innocence and bonding working out a sweat. Haha, Hongwei doesn't have much of a childhood. TV and homework boy. I very much prefer human photography. (: These are the better shots.
Very colour-coordinated little girl. Orange hair, cherry skin, pink-white-red outfit and a pink bike. Nothing like a kid outside on a bike with the wind in her hair.
I'ma wittle Cwistopher Cowumbus! I have conquered this gweat piece of gwass!
Little Japanese girl unicycling. She's a lot better than Hongwei at this. (:
Yep and this incident broke his heart. Aww I'm really sorry about the unicycling thing... haha must learn unicycling from young. So yeah, he communicated with their parents in Japanese while I stood around not knowng what to say. Very nice people that speak Japanese and English.
(Weis. don't worry la. next time you'll be rich enough to buy your own unicycle and form your own unicycling enthusiast organisation or something, okay?)
The side of West Coast that faces the sea. Inspirational
HAHA StephL thinks this is nice. :p anyway it's really nice out there. I love the smell of the sea and the breeze never stops. Gave Hongwei some inspirational for a pic about global warming. The above is a posed shot by the way. Yeah I look funny can? I've been looking weird the entire day, hardly any pic of me is of photogenic quality. T.T
The photographer and his assistant!
Ah the only reasonable picture. Image stabilisers rock for shaky hands. This is the only pic where no one's head was cut off. Very hard to sit comfortably. Haha, we've got long legs. Really it's impossible to have a meal at Mac without kicking his legs -.-
Hmm, since Mac obviously doesn't welcome us, we went to JE library to slack-study. Quite relaxing after one day of running around snapping pics. A lot of vid watching - ELT and prisoners dancing to MJ's songs.
Experimenting with reflections. Yeah Hongwei looks funny and my hair isn't cut yet.
So yeah, a
fiasco at the library that involved losing one comic and one professional photography book. scoured the library to no avail. suay la.
if good thoughts attract luck then: Luck will always be on my side when i need it to.
That explains his msn nick. Oh and by the way, dinner was disgusting. The dessert that Redtail had sucked... and the noodles that I had ... well ...
There was a piece of cloth covering the wanton.
Disgusting la! What on earth were those people thinking?!! Oh, maybe it's some kind of ancient Chinese technique whereby draping cloth over wanton will rid the wanton of evil fengshui, bad luck, and bacteria. Quite the opposite actually. It gained a very pissed customer. So rude some more. Uncle look at your wares can?
So yeah ... he happily plopped the wanton into the soup. Yeah, and I wasn't paying attention to him when he told me my noodles were done. Why? I was staring at his hygiene standard grade. B? B?! Is there no justice in the world now? i went to this other stall in Taman Jurong and they didn't do anything so disgusting and still got a C. WTH...
Me: You can have the wanton ... I don't want it.
Hongwei: Why?
Me: You eat first then I say ... I don't wanna make you throw up.
Hongwei: -suspicious- WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS WANTON.
Me: - tells the full story -
Hongwei: WHAT!! If I ate this we can't be friends anymore okay!
Yeah. And if you thought that was memorable ...
Cool! First time being a victim of a scam! Cheated out of a combined one dollar. :p Hahah, luckier than those who gave 10-20 bucks.
This is hongwei's version of his reaction, plus the news report:
Apparently he's really good at pestering people. Hongwei was more skeptical than I was, that I admit. I told him to relax :p. Gosh ... Mediacorp can hire him. It's like, ban xing ban yi. Gotta have enough common sense to believe that such a story is not to be bought. Plus, his desperate tone. Like even when super needy people need to you to help them, they don't sound this desperate. More desperate = more effective to them?
The world isn't necessarily kind to Good Samaritans: Kindness begets worth as much stupidity as an insincere heart-shaped paperclip. When you wear your love in your money and then in your palm, problem is, it's easily taken away the minute you open your purse and stretch out your fingers.
Which brings me to this: How can anyone think of cheating kindness for the sake of money? Greed of money is indeed the root of evil, so much that consciences can be ignored and people like that scammer can throw caution to the wind. Should have remembered his face. Report to police, so he can't have a future. Quite young actually. xP, I'm just in a disappointed-pissed mood, which I hope would explain my spite.
Fine, at this point I will not deny that youths are indeed ungracious too, in fact, as much as adults can be. I ask this again - WHAT'S WRONG WITH PEOPLE?! - Sickening la, to think of the lengths that people would go to for material gains. Apparently, after reading that news report, it really pisses me off. Like, you didn't have a mother to teach you that? Or you didn't listen to her. She would feel so ashamed of you. Who in the right mind would cheat passersby for a few coins? It says a lot about personal integrity lor. Please wake up before your sins take over your being! So lowdown and despicable ... sad la .. such a young age.
In fact, i do feel gullible. :P BUT NOT THAT GULLIBLE. I did know something was wrong. Ah ... we can't be too nice these days... some people got taken advantage of $10/$20. Feel sorry for them actually, but they were sincere souls. Must be sharper. The world is full of sickening twisted minds. It's sad when i think of how many people actually need that 10/20 dollars more than those scammers without a heart. At the bus stop we debated if they were real, and when the report came out ..
Our day became even more "memorable".
Memorable days call for memorable meanings
(References from
Fiasco (noun):
1. a complete and ignominious failure.
2. a round-bottomed glass flask for wine, esp. Chianti, fitted with a woven, protective raffia basket that also enables the bottle to stand upright.
Labels: Darkness, Essence of Sprouting, Food, Friends, Seeds of Smartness Sown to Show-off, Teen Angst, WhatcausesJoy
i'm getting tired of this
Arrr kena tagged again. :p Oh well, anything to do crapping. Sorry, interpersonal relationship understanding. I'll make this as interesting as possible. This one's by Stephanie, gosh the questions are all the same. Oh well, it's about time I make my own quiz with questions that are really hard to answer. This is why you can't put creativity with a laptop.
#1 What is the most important thing in your life?
Hmm ... please refer to the banner on the right => under the column that says "What Matters" thank you very much.
#2 When was the last time you bought something with your own money?
Uhh ... allowance = own money? not parents' money anymore? Following this logic, then I bought lunch with "my own money"
#3 Where do you wish to get married?
Another stressful question. HEH too bad I don't have to worry about this till 10 years from now! I dunchknow. In a church? What if your husband is not Christian? With lots of people? Hmm, no exclusivity? With too little people? Sounds like you don't have enough relatives or friends to attend. On a plane? Someone is bound to get airsick. Underwater? No ... the shark will be the best man, since the best man will get eaten, much to my delight. You see, locations, traditions and practicality are hard to come by. In a ballroom in KL (like my cousin?) Sure when the money is no problem, which is like ... no way. Next qn!
#4 How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
Gosh, the grammar, the sentence structure is killing me! Don't you mean "At what age do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?" Wow, even then the content sounds wrong. It's an invalid question! According to the UN Charter, no one human being can be owned by another! Okay, to not take this literally, who am I to question what is in store for me, so I won't give the standard answer "20 plus lor"
#5 Are you in love?
Wow, this is the most privacy-intruding quiz ever. Well yes I am. What's there not to love? Love is all around us, since it is the driving force for any kind of relationship, and we swim around it, since it's everywhere. So technically, I am in love.
#6 Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
#7 Name the latest book you bought?
Hmm, an A4 exercise book, super thick for 4 bucks.
O level chinese oral guide, which I will be forced to read under the most threatening circumstances that is my mother.
#8 Do you prefer your mother or your father?
How dare you ask me to choose between them. Well, i prefer my mum and dad to you, for sure (:
#9 Name a person you really wish to meet in real life?
Hmm, you mean someone that I would probably never meet? Yes, put me on the line with Shakira thank you.
#10 Christina or Britney
I'll take Christina any day! Britney does have some nice tunes, but Christina's singing chops make her one of the best vocalists in the world. Raw talent and not a lot of
confusion that fame causes, Christina wins hands down. Raw singing talent, intelligent ideas and the strength to pull through? Brit's coming up, but Christina has gone from crass to class, what's not to like?
#11 Do you even do your own laundry?
Well, yeah. Depends on what kind of laundry.
#12 The most exciting place you want to go to?
Latin America. Mmm, the spice and flavour, plus the all the dramatic-ness that comes along with it.
#13 Hugs or Kisses?
Depends on who gives them actually. For example, I can't decide oh whether I like my cousin's dog's drool all over my cheek and maybe on my lip. Dogs love me. Sometimes, I prefer to give them a cuddle
#14 Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you?
Small, cannot-handle-a-credit-card-for-sure,
small, loves Mandopop,
small, musically-inclined,
small, enthusiastic,
#15 8 things I'm passionate about
Art - form of literature, writing, visual(a bit), drama, film, music (yes Anjelica you love me now, don't you?), Expression, Being a good friend/family member/senior/student etc., Sticking by my Jiminy Cricket and what i know is right (:p not a lot of people can do that you know!), Laughing, The little joys (and big) in life, Studying??! (oh crap. I'm lying to myself, sacrifices have to made for o's), Relaxing (sleeping is a joy).
Wow i filled up all 8.
#16 8 things I say too often.
I talk a lot. You sure you wanna know? oh look here's 1, so I'll only have to list 7.
Okay fine, 8 of my sayings:
1. Umm, yeah ... but ... hmm ... maybe ... I have no idea ... you should check with (insert next person's name here)
2. Arrrh? - confused -
3. UGH! - disgusted/pissed -
4. You know ... actually ... (goes into long explanation of how the world began)
5. NOOOOOOOO!!! (dramatic moment)
6. - sighs -
7. - silence - I say a lot with silence. The only audience that hears what I'm saying is me, or anyone observant enough.
8. Oh my God/OMG!
#17 8 books I read recently
1. Amaths Ten-Year Series
2. English Ten-Year Series (NOV)
3. Race Hate
4. Gibson Girls and Suffragists
5. Gender Stereotypes and How They Affect Boys/Girls
6. Self-help book which name I can't remember
7. Accents for Theatre (I laughed at this book, and put it back)
8. Don't Pick On Me
#18 8 songs I can listen to over and over again (YES!) I'll try to list those that i've never talked about (too many to choose from)
1. Nelly Furtado - Turn off the light
2. Britney Spears feat. Madonna - Me against the Music (I'm addicted now, someone help me)
3. MADtv (Nicole Parker?) - James Blunt You're Beautiful Parody
4. t.A.T.u - Beliy Plaschik
5. Avril Lavigne - The Best Damn Thing
6. Kylie Minogue - Red Blooded Woman/In My Arms
7. Lily Allen - Smile
8. Shakira - Dia De Enero
At some point I have been obsessed over these songs :p
#19 8 things I learnt last year
1. Sanity - Some stuff aren't worth sweating over, so i should relax, like that's possible.
2. Academics - How to write an English essay properly (nicely that is) and how you can be a part of your content
3. Art - Being inspired is one of the greatest joys in life (lots of people haven't experienced this)
4. Sound - Good music doesn't necessarily have to be found on the radio
5. Juniors - love em', hate em-, live with them. You can't be so easily pissed with them, you won't last long.
6. Interpersonal relationships - I REALISE that I am able to pick up social cues that they don't want people to find out, read people, and describe to the littlest detail. Oh, awareness.
7. Self - I'm luckier than a lot of people.
8. Life - Life can't wait, too short for regrets. Never let anyone tell you that you can't. I'm more capable than I/other people know.
9. I don't bother to clean up the mess of clothes in my room. It's not worth it sometimes. Clean, and a huge mess if there the next day.
#20 8 people to tag. Hmm, who would be so willing to take this quiz?
Aiya, if you feel like doing just do la. Not gonna force anyone.
Labels: Accomplishments, Blogs, Essence of Sprouting, Family, Friends, To be a Child, To-do list, What's up or new, WhatcausesJoy
Friday, June 6, 2008
Stephanie's here to visit O:
Heyyo! Steph.L here! Like hey, Cons&my blog's equiped with the same user&pw, so that means I can blog for her anytime I want! Cons dont kill me uhh! xD
Anw, need to clarify that the pic with me in it who's guilty of finishing up those cookies isnt me! Yeh its Cons and she beautifully put the blame on me! Thank you uh. LOL. >.< SHe wanted me to pose with the cookie BUT she ate quite a "bit" while studying. PRO RIGHT?! :B
&I think Obhma(?) is quite shuai ley. Cons scared me a few times using my readers' digest. LOL. Thank you uh (x
Cons, dont delete this post orh! Xie Xie Ni! *bows*
Labels: I Love my Bestfriend Cons to bits :D
commercialisation: -gasps- corny hornstance endorses cookies and ... barack obama? what do these 2 seperate entities have in common anyway?
LOOK A PICTORIAL POST! FINALLY!
Who can blame me? Look, I went through so much!
So now I'm sitting on a mini chair, which is from IKEA, which means it can take 40kg (make that 41 since the holidays) of crappy fun. This just in: steph L says that it takes 100kg. COOL! that's 2 plus of me! And her lappy is driving me crazy. Oh well, looking at the amount of work done today, it's an embarassment. Still, I do miss goofing off with a good buddy. Ha, things happen when i goof off.
I screw up my nose at the thought of having ads in my blog, but what the heck. I've never liked nuffnang and the sort, this writer preferring to stay authentic, nope, no corporate influences. Anyway, I was kinda pissed when the ad came up in the tagbox. grr, come on, do you think anyone even pay attention? (not if i endorse them, move aside big-name celebs)
(goofing off in progress)
What do Non-stop cookies and Democrat leading candidate Barack Obama have in common?
For one, they're along the line of the same skin tone. They're both a nice warm shade of brown (I appreciate all kinds of beauty, those of different races and flavours), pack a crunchy punch and emphasise on change from the usual lines that the world has been living in. Yeah yeah we get it. Repeat something like "TOUCH MY BODAY!" over and over and it just sticks.
First off, da cookies!
YUM -licks lips- I'm turned on my an innocent cup-noodle like plastic cylinder of irresistable cookies. Too bad, the endorsement pic of me is too ... ughh to be posted. Oh well, you might lose your appetite looking at me. 
Product Name: Non-stop Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies (Chocolate and Hazelnuts)
Available at: Candy Empire (125g)
Wow, available in 3 flavours. Caramel and Double Choc is the other 2.
Verdict: Puuurfect for those sick of Famous Amos, i sure am. Change is the key people! It's crunchier, and less sweet. Hmm, Famous Amos seem to be a tad too sweet for my liking after few bites, and crumbles too much. Kinda like biting into lots and lots of flour actually. Plus, these cookies come in handy bite-sized pieces. Good if you just wanna pop a few into your mouth, and hopefully resist eating another one. Oh well, no one guaranteed smaller helpings will reduce your intake, ya? These are smaller than Famous Amos' for sure. Mmm, and a nice tinge of hazelnuts. Can smell it emanating out of the cute little package. And it isn't too strong either, like those Chinese hazelnut cookies that put me off immediately. Stock up for studying. Caution: you might end up busier eating than studying. Yeah, like the time during debate. Eat eat eat. Ya Hairil and Anjelica?
Look at who's responsible! NOT ME ARH!! - eats one more cookie -
STEPHANIE LIN! MUST BE YOU! I HAVE PICTORIAL EVIDENCE! - eats another cookie and talks with mouth full - GUILTY I SAY!
Okay, time to get serious. Barack Obama has been announced as the leading candidate for the Democrats. Byebye Hillary maám! So yeah, he's up against Republican John McCain. Ah, the world has had enough of redneck Presidents. (disclaimer: this post is merely a joke, no political messages hor!) Good to know about a minority President of the U.S.A. Even Reader's Digest is all about it.

I give my political endorsement to Illinois Senator Barack Obama! Don't we look so good together?
LOL! I'm endorsing him like how Felicia Chin endorses Yakult. HEY! At least my zilian-ing is creative.

Upclose with the "dashing" black guy for President! Wow, we make such an inexplicable pair! Don'tcha think so Sir? Ah, you just can't take such a nice picture with a lady boss from hell to boss about the entire U.S, and possible the world. Can sense the guys going "whew!"
Truth to be told, if you really look carefully at the cover of Reader's Digest, it's actually scary how his face just pops out at you. Not gonna post that! :p StephL was freaked out so many times. Notti notti me. So boliao I know.
I pledge allegiance, to the flag, (okay what's the rest of the lines?)
Change is the way to go? Nevermind that, I'm just a politically apathetic S'porean teen who's not doing her holiday homework and goofing off. So stereotypical. Ah, sure politics don't mean anything to me. Or do they? Nevermind la, I just want to eat some more cookies.
Voting will come in a few years. Cookies can only last so long. As long as they disappear into my mouth MUAHAHAHA! I'm being the stereotypical short-sighted couldn't-care-less kid now. Oh well, don't blame me, S'pore's got the highest rate oh myopia. (: Go figure that out yourself.
Some terms that have to do with both politics and cookies? Shakira would say: Politics is a whole load of shit. (: SEE COOKIES ARE GOOD FOR YOU. (References from
Apathetic (adj.)
1having or showing little or no emotion: apathetic behavior.
2.not interested or concerned; indifferent or unresponsive: an apathetic audience.
Stereotype (noun)
4.Sociology. a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group: The cowboy and Indian are American stereotypes. –verb (used with object) make a stereotype of. characterize or regard as a stereotype: The actor has been stereotyped as a villain. give a fixed form to.
Redneck (noun): uneducated white farm laborer, esp. from the South.
2.a bigot or reactionary, esp. from the rural working class. –adjective
3.Also, red-necked. narrow, prejudiced, or reactionary: a redneck attitude. (verb)
Labels: Friends, Real Life, To be a Child, To-do list, What's up or new, WhatcausesJoy
brain goes into deep thought: standby
Hey now I''m hanging out at StephL's. Hmm, JCs aren't really that reliable, seriously. Take a certain JC, leadership things over grades? Gee I don''t know, plus I've had enough of cheena school environments that are boring. stuffy, and not a hotbed for creativity. In fact, it can literally be a thriving ground for communistic tendencies of keeping a propagandish media, say China/Russia/North Korea/Myanmar? Food for thought.
Besides, i seriously doubt their student welfare. Gosh i can't live with that. I've had enough of this, seriously, ever since pri.sch. Like, the people at the top just care about you giving academic achievements to the school, or those cca awards etc. This shouldn't be the case la... Ever heard of nurturing learning?
Oh yeah, the school banners (not very truthful arh) are afterall school banners. How far can you trust them? Hmm, anyways, since checking out DSA for AC, I've seriously decided on poly. Even DSA Drama, gosh I had no idea the awards in their list even existed. See? So stifling xP. I'm on the side for polytechnic education. And i ain't slacker. Though poly students are a lot of hyper fun and eat a lot :p
DADP again. Gotta get past COP 12. Aim single-digit still the best, though sometimes it's kinda out of my league. Anyways, you gotta pass an aptitiude test first too. Ha, and didcha know that even if you don't have anywhere near 12, can appeal de! xP, of course not that easy la, got so many smartasses wanting to take your place. Ah well, such is the competitive world.
Singapore's environment isn't anything like the Western countries, at least not in the schools I go to or am aware of. There's actually a lot of difference. For one thing, you can choose to be an Art of Science major, and still be respected all the same. Crappy environment la .. here you study Arts and people laugh at you. And for a good reason actually, what's there to look at for Arts in Singapore? Land area too small, money no enough for Arts as much as Sciences. Seriously, I have never doubted the supply of ideas in this country. Maybe you can't be a tech hub etc. and be an art hub at the same time ... the result of wanting to mash up the two in this very small land area seems kinda wannabe-ish.
It's a bit impossible to say that Singapore is cosmoplitan like, say, London?
Oh well ... poly prepares you for the industry? Till now I don't get the differences fully, guess time will tell. :p So Mr Ng kinda wasted his breath trying to explain to me.
It's sad how some things work at times, but we're not in control. Therefore, we can only hope for the better and just laugh along with all the shit. So there, like the musical. Yeah, it's merely for publicity - the image that the school wishes to portray. Gosh I tell the hard truth, tongue-in-cheek. It's my little bit of cyberspace anyway.
Still, looking at everything in the musical, so much more can be done. Like, everything's fine actually, in fact, I happen to think that lots of people in this school are more talented than they're given credit for. It's the same as with Singapore and this school. If you keep picking from the same pool of talent that you know, and don't keep a lookout for more undiscovered raw talents, people are never gonna realise a full potential due to the vice of laziness and convenience. Then, someone else is going to pick them and give them better opportunities. And which nitwit would stay to help somebody who doesn't give a shit about them? Still wanna complain about brain drain?
Damn, it's like, so much talent with expensive help. Why throw it to waste with a crappy musical storyline? Pro-pa-gan-da. Now struggling to cover the costs? Harhar, thing is, if it was a better, different storyline, a lot of people would pay even more to see it. Rather than an hour of crap they've been told over and over again for $30. LOL, we even thought that a spoof would be worth 5o bucks and 2 shows won't be enough okay!
Sigh, gotta keep the image and the donations pouring in, right? What's the point? Tsk, some sort of giving the Arts a bigger scene. That's like saying ELDDS/any other arts group gets to have the Pulse Studio for practice sessions. Yeah, only in the case where you need us to bring home an award or something.
As much as the Alumni are probably people with small fortunes, with very traditional Chinese values, and with company names like "Tan and Ah Kow Holdings" who will be confused at something artsy and would rather watch something that they wanna see, like say, history of JSS? Gosh, I mean, what's there to brag about? Honestly! Our school history so exciting meh? xP it would be if they cared more about us. Ah, every organisation has it's flaws and preferences, yes?
What we all have in mind, is a musical that's more intelligent than that, I think. These words are my own. Wouldn't it be great if we can showcase JSS as a school that welcomes the Arts instead of the heavy censorship that blocks out the "wrong stuff"? We have to learn to laugh at ourselves, seriously. The atmosphere's too tensed and we're not getting anywhere. Art is an expression. Talent is to express what people feel effectively, yes? It's a great pity that all is going to waste. You say how you feel, not how other people want you to feel. That's what I know.
From the more pragmatic side, fine. I can be realistic too. If you get a role, yay! It's difficult to make money as an artist, that's for sure. Oh well, that's just the vision in my idealistic head. As my uncle would say, I'm too young too be pissed at such things that cannot be changed. Might as well accept. Uh uh, I won't embrace it, but make the most of it.
Next post: What's wrong in the first place? Other than all these heh heh, my rants are neverending. RARRAR
Labels: Essence of Sprouting, Questions, Quirks, Real Life, Secondary School Life, Teen Angst
Thursday, June 5, 2008
i don't feel any shame i won't apologise - tales of another broken home, jesus of suburbia, green day
Third post for today, but I'm just feeling inspired, so
Two issues will be discussed. One based on tourism (from inspiration from Redtail's blog) and another on -gasps- something taboo, like say ... t.A.T.u? Hmm, possibly another on scammers with preety heart-shaped paperclips.
t.A.T.u is a female Russian singing duo formed out of a children's singing group. They're very talented, and generate publicity and do marketing through the use of controversy (of lesbianism) and a fair amount of skin. The Russian name of t.A.T.u is painfully long (much to Shawn's delight) but it just means a shortened version of "This Girl Loves That Girl". It becomes "This Loves Her" for short.
Their English debut single "All The Things She Said" ( made waves throughout the world. or the world with the Internet, MTV or pop radio. Never a player of "playing safe", they're marketed as lesbians. Their sexual orientation is unclear though. Or at least I have no idea la, but I won't write them off as lesbians. Oh well, it's a bit sneaky and creative to market singers like this, though it has clearly worked. It's really your opinion. Though I'd like to think they do have it 'It" factor, solid singing voices and harmonisation and really are more intelligent than people want to see them in their fetish schoolgirl outfits and revealing shots. Oh well, sex sells.
In their video of the song, well yeah there's shots of them engaging in kissing. So, yep, don't watch that if you have a weak constitution for shock. Thing is, as much as publicity is involved, notice that at the end the girls leave and it's the closeminded people who are really behind the fence and contained, while they are free to go after being scrutinised. The rain clears. So the message is to tell people to be more understanding, which i believe is what a lot of people lack. It does no good to anyone.
Anyway, how does that relate to me? Or possibly you. What I really like about t.A.T.u, besides two talented European girls is that they really are smart in the sense of what they believe in, and what's really in their lyrics and albums. It's raw expression through use of music and singing voices. A pity not a lot of people give them credit for that and choose to slam them for being cheats (not really lesbians) or lesbians (this world is weird). Very liberal though, I might not agree with some of the things they do, but that's just the conservative Asian in me. I'm not a Westerner this way.
Which brings me to the question: You might say it's how they deserve it by wanting to market themselves as les-es want to make controversy to be famous, but that's their and their manager's problem really. But they do make a strong solid points about the truth with a lot of people. Simply having people judging a pair of girls like this says a lot about people doesn't it? And it's reflected in their songs. Fine by me if you say I'm a weirdo.
"You the cutest jailbird I ever did see" - Jailhouse Rock, Elvis Presleysuggesting a form of gay-ing in an all-males prison :p
Section 377A of the Penal Code of Singapore: (AH! HERE IT COMES!)
Section 377A of the Penal Code of Singapore is the main remaining piece of legislation which criminalises sex between mutually consenting adult men.Section 377A ("Outrages on decency") states that:Any male person who, in public or private, commits, or abets the commission of, or procures or attempts to procure the commission by any male person of, any act of gross indecency with another male person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 2 years.Hmm, so the law only penalises gay men? What about lesbians? Okay nevermind that, i do not wish to be dragged into a debate with lawyers and the like. Haha, that's not my main focus. I'm not one to question the Constitution, not at my age though. Thing is, even without this written law, isn't it so that there's already a de facto one? One that's unwritten, but yet clearly stated through social norms?
Ah, I'm already a
weirdo before being introduced to the subject of '
Conformity' by DADP immersion. Oh, the irony. I mean I've experienced the consequences of non-conformity so many times before that it really sucks to be me.
"It sucks to be me, it sucks to be me"- Avenue Q HAHA, but somehow I'm proud of it, not like I'ma
rebellious wannabe. I just do what I think is right and what I feel that judgemental people have no right to take away from me. Like, I don't care what your excuse is, seriously. I have done nothing wrong. You're a
biased freak, that's what you are, without peppering my words. Note the word usage and labels,
smartass. Lookie!
Anyways, I guess you people stuck in the same rat hole as I am, that actually understand me, all while being confined and silenced is that I am in fact labelled, though subconsciously now. My jelly backbone-less black pencil case says
silver lettering. I guess nobody really understood what it meant, cuz I'm not a rulebreaker in school. heh, I'm not even rude to teachers that I don't like, let alone some people. By rules, I never meant for it to be school rules, but unwritten societal rules, some of which is
perpetually unnecessary for a free spirit. And yes, all these in Sec2.
The pencil box might be slightly tattered now, but it signifies no change in my thinking. Independent, I might add. In some ways I am deemed to be a fool, and yet I don't think it's the wrong choice to make. Life's too short for regrets. Stuff like wanting to ask questions, but being too afraid to ask is fine, but when fundamentals like friendship, moral
propriety and love is involved, I gotta put my foot down.
As an example of the most extreme that has happened, hmm .. I do have a label as a les. So when I joke about them, I never really mean it. Cuz it's how you're made, and so be it, even if it's not a majority orientation. So look at me, I've got nothing against gays. My specs are purple, by chance of course ;D.
So yeah, to clarify: I'm not a lesbian. I don't like girls
that way. Okay? No matter what I do, or what I say. I kid around with people, but no, don't take that seriously. Lightens the mood, ya?
I may give girls
dramatic flirtatious looks if I'm really good friends with them, kid about being a les with them, up the extent of giving girl hugs and actually holding their hands is fine too.
Take StephanieL for example. After this post, I would like the
skeptics and haters to shut up (like that's possible). Sometimes, it does hurt me to think that you really think I'm a lesbian. StephL, by the way. Oh and um StephK's taken by Shawn. Aww. xP!
I'm just really good friends with her, best friends in fact. I know some people who have been really close to their buddies too, okay? Closer than I am in fact. I shan't say what, since I think the people in question would like me to be quiet about this.
Thing is, I might get all high, laughing-mad etc. with StephL, and hang outside her class etc. but it doesn't mean we touch each other the wrong way or anything. And it certainly doesn't mean I stick my tongue in her mouth either. Think of your reaction now. How do you feel? Reflect.
Thing is, some things are okay for friends to do together. Okay? Don't you see people sharing the same shower stall for camp? Don't friends hold hands too? Is it such a crime that I hang outside her class, or she does the same, or maybe enter the class? Well, what do you know, some people think so, simply because it's not right for a senior and a junior to be friends this close? Hello?! Wake up your bloody idea, she's not my CCA junior or anything, how the hell can I be biased to her? That aside, is that so wrong?
Well, guess what. It is to some people. Say, her previous classmates? And possibly mine. Or any member of the student body? How close-minded and
homophobic can you people be? Or worse, so assuming and smart-alecky.
Thing is, we don't drag each other down, we encourage each other, stick up for each other, do the stuff that friends do together. And we're just more open than others about wanting to share how wonderful this friendship is to the world, yes spreading the love. Anything wrong with that? Thing is, you might not like her or like me, but you cannot deny the fact that our friendship is strong has weathered many storms. Okay? You don't know the full facts behind it. Why be so judgemental? I never said you were a gay or a lesbian, in fact, I'm sincerely nice to people I detest at times. If I have to say "hey, good luck" I mean it, even though I usually don't like you.
Are you capable of that?
Ask yourself. Do you have the slightest hint of a conscience?
It might be subconscious to you, but as respect for a human being, I suggest that if you truly feel this way, I'd like you to stop it. Okay? You may joke that I'ma lesbian or she is, but never do it till the point where we feel hurt or if that's what's really on your mind. I've clarified. Plus, no matter how holy you think you are, God or your Jiminy Cricket of a conscience would want you to think before doing or saying anything. Be understanding and accepting, it's not a crime to be a good friend dammit. I never discriminated against you for that now, did I?
I would never hurt anyone, at least I try, no matter how much they've hurt me. Which is why when i try to control, sometimes I hurt myself in the process. As long as I don't go mad, that's okay. 2 wrongs don't make a right. Now i really get "turn the other cheek". Okay? People can vouch for that. Why do you think I'm always so emotional? Well, yeah, I don't kick kitties in their bodies when i feel pissed, nor do i yell at a domestic help as and when I like.
So there, I've done what I needed to do. Speak up and stick by my beliefs. It's up to you now. Do you really wanna remain stubbornly incurable?
And yeah, i might have hugged her onstage in sec 2, haha maybe it's when I didn't realise how much "trouble" I'd be getting into. Oh the social
stigma, how it stings when you're not looking. And we do have the same design of a bag. It's a friendship bag, for God's sake. Is that so wrong too? Doesn't it seem all very
ludicrous now, now that you've looked at it in a logical manner? And yeah, I got it myself, with my own money, to match hers, as a symbol of friendship. It's freedom of expression too, by the way. Are you too stuffy to box that too? Gee, maybe i should migrate to the U.S. I do like their freedom.
"Land of the free, and the home of the brave". Yes, no guy bought that for me. I don't mooch off guys, thank you very much, though you've insulted me, thanks for the awareness anyway. Wish you had some of it too.
So there you go. This is my speech, and my ode to friendship, acceptance, and expression. Can swallow? i won't be sorry for what I haven't done wrong.
F = ma
Force = Mass x AccelerationFriendship = Maturity x Acceptance/Appreciation. (i'm smart, okay fine credits to Alvin)Recently, friends have again never failed me. I'ma lucky duck, yes siree. (References from Oh yeah, and it's no big deal being friends with anyone, guy, girl, lesbian or gay, or bi. Ludicrous (adj.): causing laughter because of absurdity; provoking or deserving derision; ridiculous; laughable: a ludicrous lack of efficiency. Stigma (noun): a mark of disgrace or infamy; a stain or reproach, as on one's reputation. Homophobic (noun): unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality. Perpetual (adj.):
1. continuing or enduring forever; everlasting.
2. lasting an indefinitely long time: perpetual snow.
3. continuing or continued without intermission or interruption; ceaseless: a perpetual stream of visitors all day.
4. blooming almost continuously throughout the season or the year. Conformity (noun):
1. action in accord with prevailing social standards, attitudes, practices, etc.
2. correspondence in form, nature, or character; agreement, congruity, or accordance.
3. compliance or acquiescence; obedience.
4. (often initial capital letter) compliance with the usages of an established church, esp. the Church of England. Skeptic (noun):
1. a person who questions the validity or authenticity of something purporting to be factual.
2. a person who maintains a doubting attitude, as toward values, plans, statements, or the character of others.
3. a person who doubts the truth of a religion, esp. Christianity, or of important elements of it.
4. (initial capital letter) Philosophy.
a. a member of a philosophical school of ancient Greece, the earliest group of which consisted of Pyrrho and his followers, who maintained that real knowledge of things is impossible.
b. any later thinker who doubts or questions the possibility of real knowledge of any kindPropriety (noun):1. conformity to established standards of good or proper behavior or manners.
2. appropriateness to the purpose or circumstances; suitability.
3. rightness or justness.
4. the proprieties, the conventional standards of proper behavior; manners: to observe the proprieties.
5. Obsolete. a property.
6. Obsolete. a peculiarity or characteristic of something.Labels: Accomplishments, Darkness, Essence of Sprouting, Family, Friends, Quirks, Real Life, Secondary School Life, Teen Angst, To be a Child, WhatcausesJoy
flickering hope
Back from tuition and I've lost my brain cells to a bunch of workings that will hopefully make me smart enough to tackle O'level Math. Physics is on Monday (: Everyone's revving up, I'm gonna catch up too.
So yeah, my wonderful tuition teacher is Grace, pre-u grad. She's in charge of not making me fail my Physics and Mathematics.
Gosh she was so nervous at first. :p But very nice. Hahaha anyways, it's like she's afraid of my failing grades or something.
I must say she met all the requirements on my ad. Very understanding too, especially of how I suck at maths. Good with schedules, she's gotta work too. But by the end of 2 hours I can only smell my Mum's cooking and my brain telling me I gotta switch off. I've been reading math things, yes math things, for the entire day. Okay, save when I was slacking.
So yeah, I'm glad she's quite systematic. And not mean to me, overly strict or overly demanding. Hmm, must not let her or my mother's payments by the end of four lessons down. Gosh tuition teachers earn so much these days.
At least better than Mr Foo, he isn't that effective. Oh well, i can do without him. I need someone who would stop laughing at his own un-funny jokes, and without annoying laughter that makes me wanna throw my calculator at him which hopefully might destroy his vocal cords. Not to mention some tinges of biasedness towards the other students. Gosh, he doesn't get what I don't know at all and was totally doing things wrong. It's not worth the cheap rate. Especially to wake up early and dead for Math and an annoying teacher that puts me off to sleep. Aherm and about biasedness ... tsk tsk. Why would I want to pay to get cheated? Sorry for the clear pissed-offness sense here. But you wouldn't like it too.
Ack, some people are done with their Math already. Gosh, gotta catch up. Think I can't stomach anymore figures. Guess it's English for me. Aim: Finish ...
Gotta do my studying planner and buy a new exercise book.1) Physics mindmaps and reading before Grace comes around on Monday
2) Half of English compos and compres
3) Amaths List of TYS questions and corrections for A and E maths papers
4) Some SS/EH practice on SBQ (my sanity can only take this much)
All by Monday? Argh!!! Sacrifices have to be made in every instance.
Let's start with a compo. At least there aren't any ridiculous amounts of Chinese homework now. Wasting time is ... well wasting time.
Labels: Essence of Sprouting, Secondary School Life, To-do list, What's up or new
Constance + Mathematics = Equation does not equate, therefore it is a useless expression.
Hmm, if anyone has seen Mary Poppins, it tells the story of a children deficit of their daddy's attention. Then, a magical nanny (Mary Poppins, duh) comes to the rescue.
Since they upset every nanny that comes along, Mr Banks (Father) wants to hire a new nanny personally after the last nanny has had the last straw. The Banks children decide to help out by doing up a advertisement, which they very cutely sang out in the film (aww...). Of course, mean old uptight British Daddy Banks tore it up and threw it in the fireplace. But as with every story, Mary Poppins makes it a happy ending.
So, since my pathetic HDB Flat don't have no fireplace, a mean Brit daddy, I guess it's fine for me to do up an ad for a tuition teacher too. Afterall, I've pissed my previous emath tuition teacher off (Mr Foo by the way). Without understanding what I needed, trusting myself and being too afraid. Would've quit earlier. Oh well, it's time for extra help again. I can't be left alone to do calculus. BAD THINGS happen.
In fact, it's a disaster in the making. If I don't get it, I mess up, and I confuse myself, and no one wins (everyone but me) during the examinations. Mum says she's gonna see if the tuition teacher that comes to the door at 6 is effective. Very sweet of her to hunt for a tuition teacher for me on the phone.
Advertisement For A Suitable Effective Tuition Teacher For A Difficult Student Such As I
1) Actually teach something, be an effective teacher.
2) Be patient. Be very very patient with me. (Trust me, you'll need lots of it) 3) Understand my weaknesses and needs, and how to tackle them
4) Know HOW to teach
5) Hmm, you got to know Maths/Physics first to even qualify
6) Motivate me and try to convince me that Math/Science is really a day at the carnival (I ask for the impossible)
7) Get something done every session
8) Effective results are a
must9) Do not make me open my mouth to yawn when you open your mouth to speak
10) Let's get to mutual understanding. I'll respect you (promise!) even if I don't like you. To make this a pleasant learning experience, let's be friends.
Gosh, whatever you do, don't turn out like my previous teacher. - pauses to stop oneself from defamatory comments-
Okay! So it's nearing 6 and I'm fricking nervous. Good luck to me. I have to really put in the effort ... gosh no more slacking. Hope it isn't too late. Endurance don't fail me now.
(Constance's new tuition teacher is coming to the door at 6 and leaving at 8. For the next 2 hours, her brain will be doing some serious gymnastics. If she doesn't come back, then she's gonna miss you too)5 more minutes. Tick tock tick tock.
Labels: Accomplishments, Secondary School Life, To-do list, What's up or new
Begin with the end in mind - Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens (dumb quote!)
For the title of the post, I'm kinda pissed at the person who repeated crap from the book to us every year and it got stuck in my head. WTH, it took away my interest in that book. See, you can never do something too many times.
For those of you dying to know if I'm going to Poly or JC, and won't stop bugging me for answers, and irritating the hell out of me when I say "I don't know", yes Shawn?
After yesterday's wonderfully superb poly trip, complete with immersion program with the course of our choice, I can see where I definitely wanna be. Wait for it ... hold your breath ...
I have chosen to want to see myself in
Singapore Poly, Applied Drama with Pyschology! -squeals- Of course I keep my choices open, but this is really where I want to be in 2009.
Why not JC? Well, I don't wish to overwork myself, since I seriously doubt my ability to be consistently buried under a book and get so many things done. Secondary School has perhaps taught me that maybe I'm not cut out for JC after all. I really can't stand the thought of having the life of the current JC student, plus with CCA, and 3 times the work. Then not knowing where to go. What if I don't do well? Plus, you don't know how credible JCs can be, about student welfare that is. Anyway, to whatever protest you might have, I'm sorry I can't listen to you anymore. Whatever you're gonna say I've already thought of it. So there. But I'll definitely be K.I.V-ing JC tertiary.
Poly. Hmm, nobody said it was gonna be more relaxed or anything. I'm very clear if that, so I'm not going there to slack. If I have to be up to my neck with work, I'd rather it be something that I enjoy. Or not detest so much.
Applied Drama with Pyschology. Gosh, the very name screams "Thank you God for answering to my prayers in Sec 2!". When we started thinking of the future in Sec 2 streaming, I seriously didn't think there was anything for me. And POOF! (: If you want something enough, it will come to you?
This logic is flawed, but hey it worked this time.
I mean, I can do lots of other courses but this one is
completely suitable.
Ability + Interest + Realism. Come on, you guys know me well enough how DADP is catered to
weird people like me, very self-explanatory. Filled up all 3 in the equation, of course I'll have to let my O's do the talking.
Therefore, I shall work my ass off to be their 09' student. Then I'll probably work my ass off again, looking at the amount of work they have. COP 12, English B4 and above (hehe no problem), pass every subject, especially Math (Okay... can try). Plus the
aptitude. With relevant experience. Oh and who knew that I'd meet someone with the same ideals as Sharon. And even better both of them didn't understand my English. I mean aptitude, and they thought it was
attitude. Very cute, and to think both of you wanna strike it rich and never depend on a guy for money. Gosh, the both of you
telekinetic or something? Creepy la ..
Hmm we all have different things to think about at every point in our lives. The Sec3s gotta think of taking over the reins of CCA whether they like it or not. Sec4s a lot of other things that now seem more important than the worries in Sec3 and Sec2.
After going for the immersion program, it dawned upon me that there are actually many other worthy candidates of the same course. :p Feel like a small fry as compared to them. All rather intelligent and confident actually. Oh this means I'm not? - GASPS- Okay so competition is stiff. And till now I don't get why Mass Comm is so popular. It's really just glamourous on the outside. At least I wasn't so interested during the immersion programme. Plus, OMG I MET STEPHANIEK'S COUSIN WENDY! -squeals- Oh by the way she says hi to Stephk. She's a wonderful personality (like all the students of DADP) and probably a nice lecturer. She pulled me aside to talk to me about StephK. Aren't you jealous Shawn? HEHEHE.
Plus, the people-in-charge seem really nice too, the pyschologist is kinda scary though. She has the sharp "educator's eye". If you know what I mean. Like when Mrs Aidil glares at you. She has this silent authority or something.
I really have to up my confidence by the end of Sec4. Well I do want this enough. I'm very much impressed with SP already (including the facilities), even if it's a lot older than other Polytechnics. It's got everything I want to study. Even though the Communications, Arts and Social Sciences are way on top of a hill where you have to do hiking to get to the top. Ah well, this means you'll never have to go on diets that never work.
An art and a science combined, how cool can this get?! Anyway, I was on a sugar high for the better 3/4 of the whole day. Plus the string of musical rehearsals have made me used to standing up. We all know what happens when we sit down. "OI MAIN CAST YOUR LINES!" oh well, never a break for us.
Anyways, it's nice to have Huiyi going for the same course. (: Who knows we might be in the same course or something. Just wish Mythili could've been there. Sharon's reconsidering, Hafizah is considering
(you like bacteria don't you? Well guess what the lady of Life Sciences that we talked to created her own bacteria on my face. Her saliva coated at least 3 parts of my face. Why do you think I was discreetly rubbing my face at some point of time?) and Sisi wants to be in a marine uniform. That I leave it to you to have your own reaction, though I think it's impulsive.
Even though Ngee Ann receives the most publicity, then Republic Poly, still think SP's the strongest choice. Oh well, you see my biasedness.
(some of us feel the same way actually)Don't get confused by the terms (: (References from (noun):
1. capability; ability; innate or acquired capacity for something; talent: She has a special aptitude for mathematics.
2. readiness or quickness in learning; intelligence: He was placed in honors classes because of his general aptitude.
3. the state or quality of being apt; special fitness. Attitude (noun):1. manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person or thing; tendency or orientation, esp. of the mind: a negative attitude; group attitudes.
2. position or posture of the body appropriate to or expressive of an action, emotion, etc.: a threatening attitude; a relaxed attitude. Telekenetic (adj.) Wow the dictionary has no meaning for this, but it means to be able to read minds, transmit information from one mind to another or something like that.Labels: Accomplishments, Essence of Sprouting, Friends, Questions, Quirks, Real Life, Secondary School Life, To-do list, What's up or new
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I'm getting into interpersonal relationship studying, which therefore explains the slew of quizzes. nah, i just wanna waste time. (:
Some genius tagged me back with a quiz. Oh karma, it bit my ass. Wanna see? okay gross i'm being like Marlyna.
Name 20 people. At the end of the survey choose 5 people to do the survey. Don't read the questions, name the 20 people first!
Names will vary, in no particular order, though very spread out.
1. Sharon
2. Stephanie Kwok
3. Hafizah
4. Ruth
5. Stephanie Lin
6. Durga
7. Mythili
8. Yong Quan
9. Huiyi
10. Anita
11. Hairil
12. Alvin (you put me at 10, so I move you down 2 spaces HA!)
13. Fatimah
14. Yan Ting
15. Shawn
16. Hong Wei
17. Mr. Wan? (to make things interesting)
18. Clarissa
19. Celestine (I've been feeling nostalgic lately)
20. Jasmin
How did you meet Number14? (Yan Ting)
Hmm ... first day of Sec 3. Or one of the first days. (: Very pleasant surprise to have her register number just before mine. She sat next to me for morning assembly and while everyone got bored of Ms Tham's
perennially bo-ring speech. And one of us started the conversation and whoopedoo. She was absolutely lovely.
What would you do if u have not met Number1? (Sharon)
I would not have understood people better, have my patience tested,
have her patience tested, improved myself as a person and a friend, know what I'm capable of, lack of a good friend (one of the best I might add), have this much fun, know more about Japanese stuff, have one less person to care about me, known that everyone has somewhat the same issues, known about vicious people that I must be careful of, someone to tell me the truth for my own good (THE LIST IS ENDLESS I WILL END HERE SHARON YOU PROBABLY TOTALLY LOVE ME NOW)
Will Number6 and Numver17 date each other? (Durga and Mr Wan)
Well Durga would prefer someone closer in her age group? And mr wan is way off the age group. He's actually 12 years our cca senior (: now cca teacher. No Mr Wan! You can't go to the dark geeky side of the Explorers'! We won't let them! Oh and um .. Clement, Mangala, Shawn and I saw Mr Wan with ... our sch's new music teacher Miss Lim at Mac's arh!! I'm a responsible sec 4 senior. I said nothing, you heard nothing.
Describe Number3. (Hafizah)
Crappy, Meanie!, Ridiculous, Fun, Perky, Sarcastic, Lovely (OMG IM SARCASTIC TOO!), Sensible, Funny, Filial, Clever (my foot), Smart (oh look it's my other foot), Truthful, Trustworthy, Adorable (doesn't she make you smile?), Cheerful, etc. We know Hafizah (:
What if Number9 & Number20 dated each other? (Huiyi, Jasmin)
Do they even know each other? Plus they're not lesbians. Please refrain from making any remark about my les-ness (if you have the idea that I'm les) They're both girls, and straight for that matter. Plus, my baby cousin ShawnLAU is too cute to be ShawnLIM. Betcha don't get 4 girls kissing you when you're only a toddler, yeah?
Do you think Number8 is attractive? (Yong Quan)
No. Well for one thing I don't hit on, fawn over, favour, etc. guy juniors to begin with in the first place. I wouldn't want my seniors to do that, though some of them used to.
Describe Number7 (Mythili) gosh .. why do my good buddies always get description questions?
Funny, Interesting, Lyrical, Poetic, Linguistic, Smart (my ass), Studious, Crazy, Enthusiastic (about certain things), Fangirl, Wonderful, I'm brain dead now haha (: but she's Great.
Do you know any family members of Number12? (Alvin)
Actually, yes. And I'm scared of her. Imagine being scared of a little girl that's half your size. She's probably a lot taller now, and a lot scarier. Oh wait, I think she scares her brother too.
What language(s) does Number15 speak? (Shawn)
English, Mandarin (barely)
Who is Number9 hanging out with? (Huiyi)
Me (of course, you know you wanna (:), Hafizah, Mythili, Sharon etc.
How old is Number 16 this year? (HongWei)
17 this July (ELT PLANNER!)
Who is Number2's favourite singer or band? (StephK)
Wow. I don't know her all that well yet! Ok ... favourite singer: Shawn
favourite band: Shawn's backup band
Have you ever dated Number4? (Ruth)
She's a girl. Everyone flirts with everyone. Heyy Ruthie ~
Would you ever date Number1? (Sharon)
A self-proclaimed boy! (who is unfortunately a girl) I have "dated" her before for a few seconds when we were bored in class. (: Fleeting relationships.
Is Number19 single now? (Celestine)
Gosh I don't know! Most likely yes. But then again, if it's a girls' school we're talking about ... freaky things happen due to the lack of prescence of boys.
Would you ever be in a r/s with Number11? (Hairil)
Oh my God what a stressful question!!! - stresses- Duh, NO.
What's the school of Number3? (Hafizah)
Secondary: Jurong Sec. No ... after today, NJC :D!
Primary: Lakeside, Merlimau, Telok Kurau (oh wow i remembered!)
Where does Number6 stay? (Durga)
Not sure actually, but she alights bus 98 after me, so it's gotta be inner Jurong West or Jurong East. Anywhere along that stretch!
What's your favourite thing about Number5? (StephL)
Oh my why do I always get questions like these for y good pals? God's testing me now haha. I love her sincerity and acceptance to be a good friend no matter what I do, even if some people might not agree so.
What is Number10's last name? (Anita)
Anita D/O Chandrasangam (corright anot? HA! I'm so observant)
Have you ever seen number2 naked? (StephK)
(shawn do not say anything at this point, we don't wanna know)
Pick 5 lucky souls to do this survey:
1) StephL
2) Fatimah (there weren't any qns for you!)
3) Hong Wei
4) Mythili
5) HuiYi
So now my pathetic circle of friends know. It's an honour to get picked by yours truly.
What do the blue words mean? Oh and umm to get in Applied Drama with Pyschology, you need a B4 and above for English Language. Time to stock up on vocab now! (References from
Perennially (adj.):
1. lasting for an indefinitely long time; enduring: her perennial beauty.
2. (of plants) having a life cycle lasting more than two years.
3. lasting or continuing throughout the entire year, as a stream.
4. perpetual; everlasting; continuing; recurrent.
5. a perennial plant: Daffodils and tulips are perennials.
6. something that is continuing or recurrent.
Labels: Blogs, Essence of Sprouting, Family, Friends, Quirks, Real Life, To-do list, What's up or new, WhatcausesJoy