Thursday, September 20, 2007

no choice = life sucks

flying fudge, yes that's the fancy name for the f word. :) ever since i accidently said the f word during lit class. I could've sworn i heard it in my head. honest. yeppers. well, that's what happens when u spend one week cooped in a room with potty-mouths like sathia and darren and stress-loaded weeks and YEARS of stress which takes a toll on you, you know.

recently, i've been pissed by a lot of thangs. most recently, a few minutes ago, by my parents. and one second ago. and its still going on now. bloody hell. don't they know the difference between a computer & a notebook?!

1. i'm not allowed to bring the laptop into my room or anywhere else other than the bloody living room. why? cuz i'm gonna go chat in secrecy in my locked room, which is nt even locked by the way.

2. that is the reason why my mom was reluctant to get the notebook.

WELL, this is my argument, P.O.V , of which is probably nonsensical, illogical, not worth listening to, and going to be ignored.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

kill me today - straps myself to rocket -

exam fever... i've got to get rid of my sleep-4-2-hrs every time i nap routine. It's killing me. haiii... stress stress ~ i wanna knock my head whenever i can't do a'maths, how the hell am i gonna finish all the topics??? ARRRRGH

feeling down lately i guess. i did some record-breaking stuff i'd thought i'd never do. can't remember and don't wish to remember. plus, i honestly wonder when will be the time when i'm gonna lose my top at those that i'm really pissed off at. i hope i'd never do it, that's just gonna make my life worse. until now, i've been trying to survive the evil ones. u know it's bad when you have interesting scenarios in your head like... 1. wearing one of those chopstick-thingies mythili and classy ladies and western stereotypes of Chinese ladies have in their bun-up hair. Like a knight, or ninja if you will, i don't know, brandishing his sword and sticking it into their opponents mouth. haha, better, a toilet brush. i would be so honoured to brush their teeth for them with a toilet brush. anyways, either i think i'd like to stick the chopstick, or give it to the evil one so it can kill itself.

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identity-finder, half-thinker, thought-translater, life-pacer, adversary-fighter, grown-wiser, subtle-humour, nail-biter, indulgent-appreciator, pragmatic-dreamer, irony-murdered, unglamourous-puss, rocket-bunny


october 1st, sixteen, libran, singapore, tutor, christian, student, daughter, sister, friend, writer, artist, teenager, life, love


corny in a paradigm where sense and non sequiturs go together, taking it in like vanilla ice cream on a banana split, or sand on a boot. whichever goes.


Adelina Anjelica Cassandra Clarissa Daniel Esther E-von Geraldine Hairil HongWei Huiyi Jasmin Jasmine Jay Joseph Kenneth Marlyna Mythili Nadrah Samuel Sharon Sisi Shawn Stephanie Szeyuan Tivona YongQuan SHAKIRA Bare Feet JSS ELDDS




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